Awesome Flight Simulator Kit
FlightKit Namespace Reference


class  ActivateOnTakeOff
 Activates GameObjects when user's airplane takes off the ground. More...
class  AirplaneUserControl
 Reads the user input from standalone or mobile controls and feeds it to the user-controlled AeroplaneController. More...
class  BackButton
class  BoidMaster
 Controls all boids flocking around this object. More...
class  BoidUnit
 Controller of a single boid instance. More...
class  ControlsPrefs
 Controls persistance of user's preferred controls scheme. More...
class  ControlsSetting
class  CrashController
 Detects when the airplane has crashed and controls the corresponding effects. More...
class  CrossFadeCanvasGroups
class  FadeInOnStart
 Fades in an image contained on current object when the game starts. More...
class  Fader
 Utility class to fade in/out UI elements. More...
class  FOVController
class  GameProgressTracker
 Keeps track of how many pickups the user has collected and registers the level completed when no pickups are left. More...
class  KeyButton
 Binds any of the keys specified to a virtual button on CrossPlatformInput. More...
class  LevelCompleteController
 Performs the actions when a level is completed. More...
class  MenuFadeInController
 Controls the sequence of events during start of the game (showing menus, turning on/off components, etc). More...
class  MenuFadeOutController
 Manages timing of fading out the Main Menu. More...
class  MobileInputUIActivator
 Listens to mobile controls scheme change events and turns on/off corresponding UI elements. More...
class  MusicController
 Starts, stops and pauses music playback. More...
class  PauseController
 Listens to user input and shows the pause menu accordingly. More...
class  PickupSphere
 Makes the object grow slowly and be picked up by the user. More...
class  SaturationController
 Listens to the take-off events and tweens saturation on the ColorCorrectionCurves effect if one is found on the camera. More...
class  SimplePropellerAnimator
class  SoundButton
 Lets user disable/enable sound globally. More...
class  StartLevelController
 Controls the sequence of events that happen once the user hits Play button (hiding menus, turning on/off components, etc). More...
class  Tags
class  TakeOffPublisher
 This class calls RegisterTakeOff on TakeOffSequence instance if it finds one. To avoid registering take off every time an airplane collides with a platform, the airplane has to be in collision with the platform for few seconds for taking off to be registered. More...
class  TiltInputCalibration
 Calibrates the vertical axis of tilt input of airplane so that the horizont position can be set as it's comfortable for the user. More...
class  UIEventsPublisher
 Publishes OnPlayEvent when user starts playing a level. More...