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Awesome Flight Simulator Kit
Classes | |
class | ActivateOnTakeOff |
Activates GameObjects when user's airplane takes off the ground. More... | |
class | AirplaneUserControl |
Reads the user input from standalone or mobile controls and feeds it to the user-controlled AeroplaneController. More... | |
class | BackButton |
class | BoidMaster |
Controls all boids flocking around this object. More... | |
class | BoidUnit |
Controller of a single boid instance. More... | |
class | ControlsPrefs |
Controls persistance of user's preferred controls scheme. More... | |
class | ControlsSetting |
class | CrashController |
Detects when the airplane has crashed and controls the corresponding effects. More... | |
class | CrossFadeCanvasGroups |
class | FadeInOnStart |
Fades in an image contained on current object when the game starts. More... | |
class | Fader |
Utility class to fade in/out UI elements. More... | |
class | FOVController |
class | GameProgressTracker |
Keeps track of how many pickups the user has collected and registers the level completed when no pickups are left. More... | |
class | KeyButton |
Binds any of the keys specified to a virtual button on CrossPlatformInput. More... | |
class | LevelCompleteController |
Performs the actions when a level is completed. More... | |
class | MenuFadeInController |
Controls the sequence of events during start of the game (showing menus, turning on/off components, etc). More... | |
class | MenuFadeOutController |
Manages timing of fading out the Main Menu. More... | |
class | MobileInputUIActivator |
Listens to mobile controls scheme change events and turns on/off corresponding UI elements. More... | |
class | MusicController |
Starts, stops and pauses music playback. More... | |
class | PauseController |
Listens to user input and shows the pause menu accordingly. More... | |
class | PickupSphere |
Makes the object grow slowly and be picked up by the user. More... | |
class | SaturationController |
Listens to the take-off events and tweens saturation on the ColorCorrectionCurves effect if one is found on the camera. More... | |
class | SimplePropellerAnimator |
class | SoundButton |
Lets user disable/enable sound globally. More... | |
class | StartLevelController |
Controls the sequence of events that happen once the user hits Play button (hiding menus, turning on/off components, etc). More... | |
class | Tags |
class | TakeOffPublisher |
This class calls RegisterTakeOff on TakeOffSequence instance if it finds one. To avoid registering take off every time an airplane collides with a platform, the airplane has to be in collision with the platform for few seconds for taking off to be registered. More... | |
class | TiltInputCalibration |
Calibrates the vertical axis of tilt input of airplane so that the horizont position can be set as it's comfortable for the user. More... | |
class | UIEventsPublisher |
Publishes OnPlayEvent when user starts playing a level. More... | |